Roberto Bene diamonds
Roberto Bene Diamonds
Roberto Bene diamonds is the manufacturer of wedding rings, engagement rings and solitaires in Turkey. Beside this we import GIA and HRD certificated stones from different places like Hong Kong, Dubai, Antwerp. The diamonds are from 30 points to 5 Ct. We import our rough diamonds %80 from different African countires.
Also we manufacture our own diamonds. We polish our diamonds in Belgium and Dubai.
We have two jewelry shop in Turkey. One of them is for Turkish customers one of them is for russian customers. In this stores we sell directly to retail.
From our website we sell also directly to retail in All Turkey. In all cities of Turkey we have lots of happy customers. Only from internet we sell approximately 2500 Ct.
In the wholesale department of our company our represantatives in the Office give service to jewelry companies for mounting and diamonds. From different cities of Turkey we have 50 customers.
Also our loose diamond Export to Azerbycan, Russia, Iran, USA contuniue by groving every year.
Next year our aim is to open our new Office in Belgium for logistic reasons.
Please feel free to to contact us fort he market in Turkey or diamonds or rough diamonds.
Roberto Bene Diamonds.
Tel : +902125288980